17 June 2011

Common Freshwater Fish in New York Part 3

Brown Trout
Originally from Europe, browns are large fish, averaging 8-20 inches in inland waters and 20-32 inches in the Great Lakes. They are more tolerant of warmer water than brook trout, found in waters across New York, but prefer cool streams and lakes. Adults eat aquatic insects and fish.

Rainbow Trout
Colorful, Pacific Coast native, rainbows are quite variable in size, averaging 8-20 inches in inland waters, and 20 34 inches in the Great Lakes. Their name comes from the pink or red band often present on their sides. Prefer cool lakes and large streams. Adults primarily eat fish. Lake-run variety (called steelhead) occurs in lakes Champlain, Ontario and Erie and their tributaries.

Lake Trout
Averages 15-34 inches long, but can reach weights of up to 30 pounds. This silvery or dark gray fish occurs in deep, cold well-oxygenated lakes. A native of New York, lakers are long-lived, some adults reaching 20 years old. Adults primarily eat fish.

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